
New Jersey Lemon Law Lawyer Blog


What Damages Are Available Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act? – Debt Collectors Gone

The FDCPA includes a private right of action under which a consumer may sue a debt collector for FDCPA violations. Damages available under the FDCPA include,. actual damages, statutory damages and costs and reasonable attorney’s fees. Source: What Damages Are Available Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act? – The…


Vote Hemp: Information: Resources: 2014 Farm Bill – Section 7606

On February 7, 2014, President Obama signed the Farm Bill of 2014 into law. Section 7606 of the act defines industrial hemp as distinct and authorizes institutions of higher education or State departments of agriculture in states where hemp is legal to grow hemp for research or agricultural pilot programs.…


FDA Fails to Call Attention to Consumer Fraud in CBD Hemp Market | Cannabis Now

A year ago last February, the FDA sent out the first of numerous warning letters to 18 companies marketing cannabidiol (CBD) products, regarding claims they were making about their products, in the hopes of protecting an unwitting and unknowing public, many naive to what CBD actually is. The letters that…

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